- RockSalt to "rock on"
- Spend more time with the kids, particularly Tom as he is really getting to that "difficult" boy age where he needs more male influence
- Someone to get rid of the politically correct crap that is invading our society - it serves no purpose other than pandering to small groups
- The National government to really make some positive changes to make doing business easier (there's far too much red tape in this country)
- Everyone in the world to just get along (I'm not taking any sides in this whole Gaza strip saga as I think neither side is innocent but can't work out why people just can't live quietly and leave each other alone)
- Broaden my horizons and read some non-fiction books. I tend to stick to tried and true thrillers but should broaden my range with some personal development books
- Upgrade the jet-ski
- Do more regular posts
- Every day, make sure Larissa knows that I love her
- Be in a position to build a new house
- Lose some weight
Let me know what some of yours are.
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